Hello all,

I wanted to take a moment to address some conversations and questions that have come up about the Atlanta PPD being on the same date as Augusta PPD. While it had not been the plan for that to be the case, it is true that we are on the same date. While our events are not that close, about 2.5 hours apart, I know that there are a few people and vendors who like to attend both. To those who are affected by this, I am sorry that you will not be able to do both this year. I would absolutely encourage those who live near or around the Augusta area, or even for those who might want to go see the area, to go to the Augusta PPD and check it out. It sounds like it will be a fantastic day in a lovely setting.

I have been in contact with the Augusta coordinator and, while it is not the ideal situation and not what either of us had wished for, we both understand how it happened and have weighed the options and have agreed that for this year we need to share the date. One of the most important things about PPD in this area is that people who want or need a place to go, have a place to go. For some, Pagan Pride Day is the first or only way they have been able to reach out and connect with other like-minded folks. While for many attendees, PPD is a great way to show your pagan pride and to meet up with like-minded friends, I can’t tell you how many people who have told me about isolated they felt until they built up the courage to go to their first PPD.

While I wish that everyone could, and would, go to all of the local events, my bigger hope is that those who want or need it can find at least one event which is close enough to them to attend.  It is also my hope that anyone who feels affected by this can accept that this was not ill intended by anyone, but it has brought to light some things that need to be modified in our process moving forward.  Be assured that we are working on ways to avoid being on the same date next year.

Lady Arden

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After a lot of hurdles, some personal and some external and out of our control, we finally have a date.  This year’s Atlanta PPD will be on September 30, 2017.  Information on classes and vendors will be sent out as soon as possible.  Blessings – Lady Arden


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