Hello folks,

Many have asked what they can do to help. So, here is the rundown:

We are happy to have a few volunteers through the day but our greatest need is for set up time (6:15 or so for the very early risers or 7:00 AM for the general set up time and 5-7 PM for take down time). We need to clear the inside so that we can let the vendors set up. Also, we need assistance unloading the PPD items from our cars and setting up the area with signs, etc.

If you are interested in assisting please let our volunteer coordinator, Mehurt, know. Please include a contact cell number as well as special talents and abilities (such as able to assist in moving bulky items)

Also, the more groups of friends can carpool or shuttle each other from Decatur Square parking or MARTA the better. We are not able to provide shuttling due to agreements with our corporation, but that does not stop friends from offering each other rides 🙂

Specialty requests:
If there is anyone who is experienced, available and willing to volunteer to work with sound, (working the sound board for a performer or two) .

If there is anyone available with a tape measure who is able to take some parking lot measurements and pictures for me very soon (before Sunday) please let me know and I will get you the details of what we need.

I have a small possible need for some assistance with some small tasks, most of which can be completed online and e-mailed.

Items needed:
Looking to borrow some orange cones (parking type) and possibly a sawhorse or two or an A-frame sign or two (which are outdoor safe).

Donation of construction paper and glue, and glitter for some children’s crafts.

Email Mehurt at:

Lady Arden

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And now for our exciting announcement!!! Our fourth performer will be . . . . . . Copious Jones 🙂 I know that some of you are already be a fan of this talented Atlanta group, and for some of you this may be a new experience. Whatever the case, I hope you enjoy the show!!! I am certainly looking forward to it and added to the line up with Blue Spirit Wheel, Spiral Rhythm, and Arthur Hinds, I am really excited about the range of music we are planning for this year.  If you would like to check Copious Jones out. http://www.copiousjones.com/


I am working on event promotions – Our main event listing will be through Facebook / Eventbrite.  Make sure to join the event and join in the conversations.


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Witchy brew3Hello all,  I hope you are all having a fun and safe weekend!  Along with our 3 lovely entertainers Spiral Rhythm, Arthur Hinds and Blue Spirit Wheel, I also have one more exciting surprise announcement brewing up in my witchy cauldron.  Any guesses???  Some of you may have seen them at a private party last night, or you may have recently seen them at Smith’s Old Bar.  Others may be planning to check them out at the Moonshadow.  For some of you, this group is already a favorite.  For some of you, they may be new.  Whatever your situation, I hope you enjoy!!!

We have a number of vendor registrations in process.  Below is the current list of confirmed booths and tables.  If you are interested in vending, make sure to fill out an interest form.  Someone will get back to you with more information and a registration link, as long as we can still accommodate your request.  Interest form is available at www.atlantapaganpride.org

Confirmed Booths and Tables:

  • The Unicorn Tradition
  • The Ravenwood Tradition
  • Creations of Earth and Fire
  • Canes & Wands
  • Temperance Tarot
  • Circle of the Sacred Drum and the CSD School of Shamanism
  • People Embracing Change
  • Our Father’s House, Our Mother’s Cabinets
  • La Buona Vita
  • Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
  • Sacred Metaphysical Sisters
  • RockBelly
  • 3 Starving Artists
  • Horns of Herne Home Arts & Belham Apothecary
  • Mountain Gypsy Spirit
  • Grove of the Red Earth, ADF
  • EnergyWeaver
  • North Georgia Healing Arts


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